26 February26.02Prisoners of ConscienceHow Jehovah’s Witnesses in Turkmenistan are being sent to labour camps for conscientious objection to military service
23 February23.02Red-Bannered OccupationOne hundred years ago this year, the Bolsheviks invaded and abolished the Khanate of Khiva and the Emirate of Bukhara. Why were these monarchies doomed to extinction?
19 February19.02The Case Is Closed, Forget It30 years since the ”Black February” events in Dushanbe
16 February16.02Us and themEthnologist and social anthropologist Igor Savin on the roots of the conflict in southern Kazakhstan
10 February10.02Justice for saleHow cash and connections tilt the scales of Tajikistan’s Themis
08 February08.02”Provocateurs tried to exploit the situation”Clashes break out in southern Kazakhstan after an attack on police
05 February05.02See you in court!In Kyrgyzstan, the freest country in Central Asia, press freedom is under threat
28 January28.01Why some migrants see themselves as better than othersAnd why bad experiences of work in Russia do nothing to dampen the country’s attractiveness in neighbouring countries